Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Anti racism book report

Book Report

Q The book report is required to complete the course and you will also get points for successful completion. The typed report should be about 4-8 pages and should be uploaded to Canvas by the due date listed in the syllabus. You will receive a grade for the book report (please see grading rubric later in this syllabus). The assignment involves reading one of the three anti-racism books listed at the beginning of the syllabus (White Fragility; Between the World and Me or So You Want to Talk About Race). You can also earn extra credit by doing a second book report. (Extra credit papers are not due until the end of the semester, so you have time to read a second book if you so desire.) You will also be asked to share your reactions to the book you selected in our “book club” diversity workshop. We’ll break up into small groups representing the three different books, and people will share their reactions to the books they read. Because of this – late reports cannot not be accepted. You need to come to the workshop prepared to share your reactions and engage in discussion about these thought-provoking books. It will be a great opportunity to practice your perspective-taking skills! Your book report should answer the following questions: 1. What does this book tell you about the experience of being Black and White in America? What are some key insights or takeaways? 2. Imagine highlighting passages of the book (or you can actually do this). Please share the passages you highlighted and why you highlighted them. 10 3. Pick three specific quotes or passages from the book that stood out for you (a “wow – really?” reaction). Describe why you selected these passages – what did they mean to you? Did they change your thoughts or beliefs? 4. Pick three quotes that challenged you or that you disagreed with (a “wait a minute..” or “I don’t agree with this” reaction). Describe why you selected these passages. What data would you need to resolve or answer your questions? 5. Pick three quotes that resonated with you (a “so true..” reaction). What made you select these passages? How did these passages make you feel? Please reproduce these quotes in your report. 6. Identify a passage or point that made you feel uncomfortable. Explore why you felt this way. 7. What does this book tell you about racism? What is the most challenging aspect of eliminating racism in our country? 8. How do these challenges/insights/relationships play out in the workplace?

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White Fragility: Why it’s so hard for white people to talk about racism is an excellent book by Robin DiAngelo in the year of 2018. It has been debuted on the New York Times Bestseller List. Whenever white people feel defensiveness and discomfort while talking about the race they used the phrase “white fragility.” The term was originally coined by Robin DiAngelo in the year of 2011 in one of his articles. This book tells me about the experience of being Black and White in America that how Americans feel when they are confronted with any topic related to the race.